Is Kiwi Good For High Blood Pressure?

How many times have you walked by kiwi in the supermarket without buying one? I always did, especially because the hairy outside didn’t look very appealing. The fact is, kiwi is beneficial and contains many nutrients. Many of you may be wondering, is kiwi good for high blood pressure?

Kiwi is good for high blood pressure because it contains nutrients proven in scientific studies beneficial for lowering blood pressure. Those include potassium, Vitamin C, folate and fiber. A recent study concluded eating kiwi everyday lowered blood pressure more than eating an apple.

Today, I can’t leave a supermarket without having a bagful of kiwis in my shopping cart. When you cut one open, they’re actually very pretty on the inside. I’ll let you know why kiwi is good for high blood pressure and how much it lowered it in studies. You’ll be surprised how much better it performed than an apple.

BP TIP: Lower BP by just breathing? A device is approved by the FDA and The American Heart Association. It simply guides your breathing for you a few minutes a day which has been proven to lower BP in studies. You can check it out in the manufacturer’s website by clicking here.

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How Kiwi Is Good For High Blood Pressure

I’ll start telling you about kiwi’s nutrients and how they benefit high blood pressure. Typically any food that lowers blood pressure does so because of its contents. One cup of kiwi contains the following:

  • Vitamin C – 273% DV
  • Potassium – 552 mg
  • Fiber – 2.1 grams
  • Folate – 11% DV
  • Vitamin E – 13% DV
  • Vitamin K – 89% DV


If you’ve been reading up on what helps blood pressure, I’m sure you’ve heard about potassium’s role. Your kidneys require a proper ratio of potassium and sodium to efficiently flush the body of excess fluid. The ratio is 4 potassium to 1 sodium ((National Center for Biotechnology Information: Time to Consider Use of the Sodium-to-Potassium Ratio for Practical Sodium Reduction and Potassium Increase)).

Many people consume just as much sodium as potassium, sometimes more. Without the proper ratio, a greater risk of excess fluid makes it much harder on the heart. In addition, the pressure on the artery walls will be greater ((The American Heart Association: How Potassium Can Help Control High Blood Pressure)).

According to Harvard Health low levels of potassium in the body have been associated with higher blood pressure levels. In addition, potassium has been shown to help relax blood vessels ((Harvard Health: Potassium Lowers Blood Pressure)).

The recommended levels of potassium and sodium may be unbeneficial for you. This is so if you have kidney problems or perform activities where your sweat more than the average person. Always consult with a physician prior to changing your nutritional habits.

Vitamin C

I’m sure you’ve heard about how oranges contain so much vitamin C. Did you know kiwi contains almost twice as much vitamin C as an orange? If you find a golden kiwi, it even contains more than a green one.

One cup of kiwi contains a whopping 273% of the daily recommended amount. This is important because the antioxidant activity of vitamin C helps to protect the walls of blood vessels from damage. In addition, it helps to dilate blood vessels because it helps to increase the availability of nitric oxide ((National Center for Biotechnology Information: Long-term vitamin C treatment increases vascular tetrahydrobiopterin levels and nitric oxide synthase activity)).

A John Hopkins Medicine study took a look at 29 previous clinical trials. The researchers found people who supplemented with vitamin C lowered both systolic and diastolic blood pressure ((John Hopkins Medicine: Big Doses of Vitamin C May Lower Blood Pressure)).

While it’s always best to get potassium and vitamin C from real food, it may not be possible to do that everyday. This is where the Blood Pressure Optimizer may help you out. It contains potassium and vitamin C, plus 10 other nutrients proven to lower BP. Check it out in Dr. Sam Robbin’s website, BP Optimizer.


Past studies suggest folate intake may decrease blood pressure through increasing nitric oxide synthesis in endothelial cells which helps to open up the blood vessels.

A study examined over 4,000 men and women over a 20 year span. They found a higher folate intake in young adulthood was associated with a lower risk of high blood pressure later in life1.

A recent study examined over 1,000 women and compared their blood pressure and folate levels. Their research found low folate levels were inversely associated with systolic and diastolic blood pressure2.


There have been numerous studies showing a connection between a high fiber diet and a lower risk of high blood pressure. A recent study showed how people with type 2 Diabetes consumed a diet high in fiber and lowered their systolic pressure 15% ((The American Association for the Advancement of Science: High fiber diet associated with reduced CV risk in hypertension, type 2 diabetes patients)).

When researchers examined 24 past trials, they concluded people with a low fiber intake were able to reduce their risk of high blood pressure by consuming more fiber. In addition, they found fiber intake lowered both systolic and diastolic blood pressure ((National Center for Biotechnology Information: Dietary fiber and blood pressure: a meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials)).

Kiwi Smoothie Tip: Adding frozen fruit, like kiwi or strawberries, instead of ice increases the nutrient density. It helps to have a powerful blender for the ice. The one I recommend has a 6 blade, multi-tiered shaft in the center. Check it out on Amazon by clicking right here, Nutri Ninja BL685 with Auto-iQ Technology.

Studies Showing How Kiwi Lowered Blood Pressure

In a recent study, a group of people were given three small kiwis everyday and another group one apple. After eight weeks, blood pressure dropped for both groups, but the kiwi group had a larger reduction. Their systolic lowered 3.6 mmHg more than the apple group and diastolic by 1.9 mmHg lower3.

In a second study, the participants who were male smokers aged 45-75 years-old, were given three kiwis per day for eight weeks. Their systolic pressure reduced 10 mmHg and diastolic 9 mmHg4.

A study released in 2018 examined gold kiwifruit consumption of individuals with prediabetes. The participants consumed two SunGold kiwifruit everyday for 12 weeks. Their blood pressure dropped from 129/76 to 123/72 mmHg5.

Kiwi was one of eleven fruits I listed in my blog post, Fruits That Lower Your Blood Pressure. A few fruits on the list may surprise you. Give it a read and consider eating those fruits to benefit your BP.

How Many Kiwi To Eat A Day For High Blood Pressure

Kiwi is easy to find in the local supermarket. Sometimes, I can only find the green and more popular ones than the golden ((USDA: A new vitamin E from kiwi )). To obtain the beneficial nutrients for blood pressure, you may be wondering, how many kiwi can I eat a day to benefit blood pressure?

You can eat one to three kiwis a day to obtain the nutrients needed. In the blood pressure studies, participants consumed two or three small kiwis and lowered systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Since kiwi is an uncommon fruit for blood pressure, many people have asked me how to eat a kiwi? Kiwi can be eaten whole with the skin, sliced, diced into cubes or scooped out from its skin. It can be eaten by itself, added into smoothies or used to top cereal or yogurt.

Typically, I cut one in half and use a teaspoon to scoop out the kiwi from its skin ((National Center for Biotechnology Information: The 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Scientific Report: Development and Major Conclusions)). I’ll add it to my daily smoothie fresh or frozen. Kiwi is available in supplement form and powders. One popular organic kiwi powder is sold on Amazon which you can check out here, kiwi powder.

A smoothie diet plan for incredible health, rapid weight loss and energy! Visit Their Website Here.

Can you eat the kiwi skin? The kiwi skin is edible. The healthy kiwi skin contains vitamins, fiber and folate.

As with any food, some people find they’re allergic to the fruit. It can cause swollen lips, tongue, itchy throat, trouble swallowing, vomiting or a rash. A lesser side effect is how it can slow down blood clotting which can make bleeding disorders worse.

Always consult with your physician prior to changing your nutrition plan.

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  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information: Folate intake and incidence of hypertension among American young adults: a 20-y follow-up study []
  2. National Center for Biotechnology Information: Serum Folate Shows an Inverse Association with Blood Pressure in a Cohort of Chinese Women of Childbearing Age: A Cross-Sectional Study []
  3. National Center for Biotechnology Information: The effect of kiwifruit consumption on blood pressure in subjects with moderately elevated blood pressure []
  4. National Center for Biotechnology Information: Kiwifruit decreases blood pressure and whole-blood platelet aggregation in male smokers []
  5. National Center for Biotechnology Information: SunGold Kiwifruit Supplementation of Individuals with Prediabetes Alters Gut Microbiota and Improves Vitamin C Status, Anthropometric and Clinical Markers []

Kevin Garce

Kevin Garce is a Certified Health Coach who encourages people by informing them on blood pressure topics important to them. His years of research and knowledge inspire people to achieve their goals. Read more here About Me

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