Many people ask me about the blood pressure chart. There's different names and numbers for the two kinds of blood pressure, systolic and diastolic. It can get a little confusing especially since the...
Category: BP Categories
If you've noticed the lower number on your blood pressure measurements has been high lately, your curiosity may be piqued. Common thoughts may be, is it too high or should I be worried? Therefore,...
Blood pressure readings consist of two numbers. While most people concentrate more on the bigger one, a thorough examination of diastolic should be done. Therefore, what is meant by diastolic blood...
You've seen your blood pressure numbers many times. Some of the time you've been informed they are normal, low or a little high. If you've wondered what the numbers indicate you've likely asked...
Most people seem to concentrate more on the top number of their BP reading and can remember it more. Systolic is a term heard more often when blood pressure is discussed. Therefore, what is the...
Having blood pressure higher than normal can signify many things. There are four ranges of blood pressure above normal including elevated. Therefore, what is the elevated blood pressure range? The...