When it comes to the topic of blood pressure, most people are looking for ways to lower blood pressure. There are many effective methods people can do to help maintain healthier blood pressure levels. Therefore, what are ways to lower blood pressure?
The following are ways to lower blood pressure:
- Pomegranate juice.
- Hibiscus tea.
- Spinach juice.
- Cranberry juice.
- Beet juice.
- Fenugreek seeds.
- Pumpkin seeds.
- Dried Apricots.
- Swiss chard.
- Dark chocolate.
- Avocado.
- Sweet Potatoes.
- Skinless chicken.
- Wild caught salmon.
- Avoid foods bad for blood pressure.
- Control sodium intake.
- Pressure points.
- Breathing exercises.
- Self-massages.
- Meditation.
- Warm baths.
- Improve sleep.
- Physical activity.
- Avoid bad habits.
- Improve the mood.
- Laugh more often.
- Lose excess body-fat.
- Avoid stress triggers.
- Schedule enjoyable activities.
- Surround yourself with supportive people.
- Magnesium.
- Folic acid.
- Potassium.
- Coenzyme Q10.
- Garlic.
This article will discuss each way in detail and explain why they can help lower blood pressure. The methods below are backed by scientific studies which have shown their ability to lower blood pressure.
BP Tip: Lower BP just by breathing? There’s a device approved by the FDA and The American Heart Association. It guides your breathing a few minutes a day which has been proven to lower BP in studies. You can check it out in the manufacturer’s website by clicking here.
If you’re on blood pressure medication, the ways in this post are not a substitute and you should never discontinue a treatment without the doctors okay. In addition, before changing any nutrition or starting an exercise program, always consult with a physician first.
Some links in this article are affiliate links which means I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon associate and eBay partner, I earn from qualifying purchases.
How To Lower Blood Pressure
1. Pomegranate juice
With its high potassium content, this sweet ruby-red fruit is beneficial for blood pressure and has other heart healthy nutrients. Pomegranates contains 3 times the amount of antioxidant activity than green tea and red wine.
In a recent study from 2017 systolic blood pressure was improved in people who drank pomegranate juice. Systolic BP was lowered no matter how long the participants drank the juice1.
Natural pomegranate juice, without added sugar, can be found in most supermarkets near the produce section in a cold case.
2. Hibiscus Tea
Hibiscus is a herbal tea with a tart, cranberry-like flavor. This tea tastes great either hot or cold. It contains antioxidants and anthocyanin helping to keep blood vessels healthy. The antioxidants helps to prevent blood vessel damage and constriction.
A 2015 study published in the Journal Hypertension, showed drinking hibiscus tea lowered both systolic and diastolic blood pressure significantly2 on arterial hypertension)).
In another study from the Journal of Nutrition, it found drinking hibiscus tea lowered blood pressure significantly as soon as the participants started drinking it3.
Hibiscus tea can be found in some supermarkets and many organic varieties are listed on Amazon. Check them out here, Hibiscus Tea.
I’m sure you’ve heard how beneficial green tea is, but how about blood pressure? Find out by checking out my article, Does Green Tea Lower Blood Pressure?
3. Spinach Juice
Spinach juice is very high in magnesium making it beneficial for lowering blood pressure. Magnesium has a calming effect on the whole body including blood vessels. This helps to prevent the blood vessels from constricting which raises BP.
I wrote a whole article on how magnesium is beneficial for blood pressure. If interested, you can check it out here, Consume Magnesium To Lower Blood Pressure.
A study published in Hypertension, AHA Journals showed systolic and diastolic BP was lowered after consuming 368mg of magnesium for three months4.
I make spinach juice by taking a few cups of spinach leaves and throwing them into my juicer. Sometimes I’ll add cucumber or lemon to improve the taste and add more healthy benefits.
If you’re interested in purchasing a juicer, the one I use and recommend is made by the brand Breville. They are reliable and I love the styling. Check them out on Amazon here, Breville Juicers.
4. Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice helps to prevent constricting and damage to blood vessels. It’s able to do this because of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
In a 2012 study the researchers gave the participants a cranberry juice drink everyday for 8 weeks. Another group was given a placebo.
The study showed the placebo group didn’t have any change in blood pressure while the cranberry juice group had a decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure5.
Cranberry juice can be found almost anywhere but make sure to purchase an unsweetened one with low sugar.
5. Beet Juice
What makes beet juice effective in lowering blood pressure is it contains nitrate which helps blood vessels stay relaxed and keeps the blood flowing. In addition, beets are high in folate and potassium beneficial for lowering blood pressure.
A study in the Journal Nutrition found a significant decrease of systolic blood pressure in adults who supplemented with a beetroot juice6.
In addition, a recent study in the Journal Hypertension found adding beetroot juice to salty food products might lower blood pressure7.
While this study was conducted on rats, it’s a promising find helping to combat high sodium diets causing increased blood pressure.
6. Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek is an herb that has small white flowers and green leaves. It’s found in India, North Africa and Egypt and grows to a few feet in height. The fenugreek herb seed pods contain yellowish-brown seeds.
These seeds were shown to benefit people with coronary artery disease by lowering their blood sugar, cholesterol and fat cells. Over time, healthy arteries and lower cholesterol can lower blood pressure8.
Fenugreek seeds are also high in the antioxidant flavonoid associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease9.
Fenugreek seeds can easily be found on Amazon at reasonable prices. Check their current prices here, Fenugreek Seeds.
7. Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds can help lower blood pressure because they are high in magnesium which has been shown to relax arteries ((Hypertension: Effects of Magnesium Supplementation on Blood Pressure)). Pumpkin seeds contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which can help lower cholesterol.
In addition, they contain fiber and antioxidants giving these seeds a powerful combination of nutrients. Pumpkin seeds can easily be found in most supermarkets, so there’s no need to start a pumpkin patch.
8. Dried Apricots
Dried apricots are very high in potassium. Consuming the correct potassium amount is crucial in balancing the potassium to sodium ratio which benefits blood pressure10.
Dried apricots are high in antioxidants and fiber making it even more beneficial. They can be found easily in most grocery stores.
A blood pressure supplement I use and recommend contains both potassium, magnesium and 11 other beneficial BP ingredients. You can check it out in the manufacturer’s website, Blood Pressure Optimizer.
9. Swiss Chard
Swiss chard contains magnesium and is high in nitrates which has been shown to be beneficial for blood pressure11. It’s also called spinach beet or silverbeet and has a reddish color on the leaves and stems.
Swiss chard can be found in any produce section of the supermarket, usually right near the lettuce area.
10. Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is beneficial for lowering blood pressure because it is high in magnesium. In addition, it contains antioxidants, iron and zinc making it even more beneficial12.
If you’re going to eat chocolate, don’t substitute milk chocolate for dark. Even though it tastes better and sweeter, it’s because it has more sugar and less cacao.
Cacao is where all the benefits are coming from, therefore buy dark chocolate anywhere they sell candy.
11. Avocado
An avocado is high in potassium, contains magnesium, folate and vitamin E making it beneficial for reducing blood pressure and heart health13.
Many people don’t know avocados are a fruit. Unlike most fruits that are mainly carbohydrates, it’s mostly made of health fat. I try eating avocado every day, and it makes a great companion to most dishes.
12. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are high in potassium which makes it great for blood pressure. They also contain beta-carotene, selenium, iron and calcium making it dense with healthy nutrients.
I try eating a sweet potato every night at dinner. To make this easier to accomplish, I buy organic ones wrapped in plastic that can be microwaved.
13. Skinless Chicken
Chicken is packed with protein and low in fat and sodium. It also contains magnesium, niacin, B6, phosphorus and selenium. Selenium has been shown to reduce risk of death with cardiovascular disease or heart disease14.
Buy skinless to avoid the bad fats and avoid fried chicken fried in bad oils.
14. Wild Caught Salmon
Wild caught is always better than farm raised to avoid hormones and other substances used. Salmon is great for reducing blood pressure and artery health because of its fatty acids EPA and DHA15. It also contains potassium, selenium and B vitamins.
15. Avoid Foods Bad For Blood Pressure
Many foods have added sugar, excess sodium and unhealthy fats16. The following are foods to avoid to lower blood pressure.
- Fried foods.
- Fatty meats.
- Processed and deli meats.
- Foods high in added sugar.
- Process foods.
16. Control Sodium Intake
The body needs sodium intake, but the problem is most people take in way too much. The body needs more potassium than sodium for the kidneys to work efficiently and rid the body of excess fluid.
The American Heart Association recommends no more than 2,300mg of sodium a day with an ideal limit of 1,500mg per day17. This is true especially for those trying to lower their blood pressure.
If you are working in a job or doing an activity making you sweat all day long then this recommendation is probably not for you as you would require more.
17. Pressure Points
There are pressure points located throughout the body. Some of them are associated with stress relief. Pressure points are an effective way to keep stress hormones away and lower blood pressure18.
Pressure points are activated by pressing on one with one or two of the fingers. They stimulate the connective tissue, nerves and tiny muscles located throughout the body19.
A study published in 2016, involved 80 patients with high BP. Both groups had their pressure measured before the pressure point activation, immediately after, 15 minutes after and then 30 minutes after.
The table below shows the results.
Variables | Experiment Group (Taichong Pressure Point) | Control Group (Fake Pressure Point) |
BP before pressure point | 165.0/96.3 | 154.8/94.3 |
BP Immediately after pressure point | 150.4/92.7 | 153.7/93.3 |
BP 15 minutes after pressure point | 145.7/90.8 | 154.8/93.2 |
BP 30 minutes after pressure point | 142.9/88.6 | 155.7/94.1 |
I wrote an article which explains nine pressure points in detail and how to activate each one. They are easy and simple to perform. Check out the article here, Pressure Points For Lowering Blood Pressure.
18. Breathing Exercises
Breathing exercises can help the body relax and lower stress. Just like pressure points, breathing exercises can lower stress hormones. Stress hormones make the blood vessels constrict which raises blood pressure20.
When you get stressed, have you ever noticed your breathing becomes erratic and faster? Performing a breathing exercise can bring it back to normal.
There’s a device which helps guide breathing to lower blood pressure. It takes the thinking out of your breathing exercise and signals when and how to breath for a few minutes per day.
The device has proven to perform exceptionally well in 16 different studies. Check it out by clicking on the Resperate banner directly below.
One of the Resperate studies involved a 67 year-old woman who used the device for 8 weeks and lowered her blood pressure. Her systolic decreased by 17 mmHg and diastolic by 14 mmHg21.
I wrote an article containing nine different breathing exercises and how to perform each one. Check out the article by clicking here, Breathing Exercises To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally.
19. Self-Massages
Massages are one of the best ways to help reduce stress. Who doesn’t love a great massage? Self-massages are another relaxation technique to reduce stress and lower blood pressure22. You can do them almost anytime and anywhere.
Massages improve blood circulation, stimulates muscles and nerves. The following is my favorite self-massage.
Self-Face Massage: I favor this one because it’s one of the easier ones to perform on yourself. In addition, I personally love stimulation of the forehead and temples. Here’s how to perform it:
- Make a series of tiny circles using your thumbs. Pay attention to the forehead, jaw joint and temple areas.
- After about one minute or so, switch over to using your middle and fore fingers. Start massaging the bridge of the nose and slowly move outward over the eyebrows and then to the temples.
- Keep massaging for as long as you want until you feel calm and more relaxed.
Learn more massage techniques and other ways to lower BP naturally in my article, 25 Ways To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally.
20. Meditation
Stress hormones like cortisol will constrict the blood vessels and raise blood pressure ((American Psychological Association: Stress effects on the body)). In addition, the heart rate will increase and pump harder. Extra stress can lead to bad habits raising blood pressure even more.
Therefore, the more you can break stress and relax the better. Meditation is one of the relaxation techniques. It takes some practice to get it down correctly but even in the beginning it can relax you.
The following are beginner tips for meditation:
Prepare for meditation:
- Use an old pillow, sofa cushion or meditation cushion so you can sit down comfortably.
- Meditate in an area free of distractions.
- Enhance the experience by using incense, scented candles or flowers.
- Wear loose, comfortable, unrestrictive clothing.
- Set a timer for how long you want to meditate. This way you won’t be distracted while meditating wondering how much time is left.
Start meditating:
- Sit with your back straight and keep your arms and legs whatever way that’s comfortable for you.
- Keep your chin angled down making breathing easier.
- Use your nose to inhale and exhale deeply.
- Keep your mouth closed and jaw relaxed.
- Focus on your breathing and nothing else, just breathing.
- If your mind begins to wander, return your focus back to breathing. Counting the breaths helps to focus on breathing only.
- In the beginning make your meditation time short until you improve.
21. Warm Baths
Warm baths might make someone feel hot which is why many people ask, does blood pressure go up after a warm bath?
A study published by the California State Journal Of Medicine found a 15 minute warm bath lowered the average blood pressure by 15 mmHg. Warm baths can relief stress and make a person feel relaxed.
The participant in the study was a healthy 37 year-old male with a slightly rapid heart. The temperature of the bath ranged from 94°-98° Fahrenheit ((National Center for Biotechnology Information: Effects of Baths on Blood Pressure)). A popular bath for years is the magnesium epson salt bath.
Magnesium Epsom Salt: Grandmothers have raved about this for years. The combination of epsom salt and magnesium can do wonders for the body. The magnesium can relax the body and the epsom salt reduces muscle aches caused by stress.
22. Improve Sleep
Lack of sleep can cause someone to be tired, less patient, irritable and raise stress hormones. Better sleep can keep a person calm and stress levels low. Schedule sleep time into your daily routine and follow these five tips:
- Keep the bedroom cooler. The National Sleep Foundation recommends a bedroom temperature between 60°-67° Fahrenheit.
- Avoid all electronics before bedtime because it stimulates brain activity.
- Go to sleep and wake up the same times everyday, even on days off.
- Keep the bedroom as dark as possible with shades, drops or room darkening blinds.
- Keep the bedroom as quiet as possible. Consider using a sound machine to drown out unavoidable noise.
23. Physical Activity
Physical activity does involve some work but after you’re done, you will feel more relaxed and less stressed than when you started. This is true because exercise and physical activity produce endorphins.
Endorphins are chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers and improves the ability to sleep, which also reduces stress.
Physical activity of low to moderate intensity makes you feel energized and healthy23. The following are different ways to perform physical activity that should last about 20-30 minutes a day.
- Regular walks
- Dancing
- Walking stairs
- Jogging
- Bicycle rides
- Playing sports
- Weight lifting machines
- Free weights
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous. They say it’s best to spread out your exercise time instead of doing it all at once24.
If you’re looking for easy exercises effective for lowering blood pressure, check out my article, 11 Easy Exercises To Lower Blood Pressure. One of them, stretching, lowered diastolic pressure 7%.
24. Avoid Bad Habits
Keeping these bad habits out of your life can help lower blood pressure. These bad habits can also lead to other activities bad for your health ((National Center for Biotechnology Information: Alcohol-induced hypertension: Mechanism and prevention)).
- Illegal drugs
- Excess alcohol.
- Smoking and tobacco.
25. Improve The Mood
Creating a relaxed atmosphere, at work or home, can help reduce stress and keep the body calm ((National Center for Biotechnology Information: Music versus lifestyle on the autonomic nervous system of prehypertensives and hypertensives–a randomized control trial)). Lower blood pressure at home by performing these four methods:
- Use scented candles.
- Listen to soothing music.
- Brighten rooms with sunlight.
- Decorate with fresh flowers.
26. Laugh More Often
Laughter tricks the nervous system into making the mood happier. Laughter releases endorphins decreasing stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline.
27. Lose Excess Body-fat
Numerous studies have shown a direct relationship with weight gain and increased blood pressure25. Losing excess body fat is one of the most effective ways to lower blood pressure naturally.
The following are some of the best ways to lose weight:
- Regular Physical Activity
- Eat Foods That Lower Blood Pressure
- Avoid Foods Bad For Blood Pressure
28. Avoid Stress Triggers
Make a list and identify things in life causing stress. Determine if any of them can be changed and put a plan in place to avoid them in the future. This may involve something simple like changing your commute to work.
It may involve more action like changing careers or a position in a company. Life will always have some stress but some of it can be avoided which can help lower blood pressure more often.
29. Schedule Enjoyable Activities
Doing more enjoyable activities can help break some stress, increase happiness and relaxation. Many days are filled with rushing around leaving no time to do things which may make you smile, laugh or just happy.
Even ten minutes a day can change the whole mood for the remainder. Attempt something on a lunch break or as soon as you get home.
30. Surround Yourself With Supportive People
Spending time around people encouraging you to do unhealthy things, like excess alcohol or a bad diet, will not help to lower blood pressure. Supportive family and friends can help you improve your health.
Supportive people can encourage you to make healthy decisions, become exercise partners and more. They can boost moral, offer the proper tips and be there for emotional support.
31. Magnesium
A beneficial way to lower blood pressure is with magnesium. It has a calming affect on the whole body including the blood vessels which helps them from constricting26.
In addition, magnesium helps to relax the body and muscles. When taken at night it can help people sleep, which can lower stress.
Magnesium also regulates important minerals in controlling blood pressure like potassium and calcium. If you’re not getting enough from foods, a supplement with about 350mg can help greatly.
32. Folic Acid
Folic acid is thought to help blood vessels relax and improve blood flow. A study in 2009, showed taking folic acid may help reduce blood pressure in women and men whose blood pressure is high27.
In addition, folic acid may reduce the risk of high blood pressure in women during pregnancy28. Most folic acid supplements contain between 400 to 800mg of folic acid. The prenatal vitamins already contain the recommended dosage.
33. Potassium
Potassium helps to counter the negative effects of sodium and to balance the 4:1 potassium to sodium ratio beneficial in lowering blood pressure29. Potassium also eases the tension in the blood vessels.
The recommended daily amount is about 4,700mg daily. Many food items in a healthy diet contain potassium, like a banana with 420mg. The average potassium supplement provides 99mg.
NOTE: Potassium can be harmful to people with kidney disease, who take certain medications and any condition affecting how the body handles potassium.
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34. Coenzyme Q10
CoQ10 is an antioxidant helping the cells produce energy. In addition, it protects the cells in the body by neutralizing free radicals.
An analysis of numerous studies from the Journal of Human Hypertension showed supplementing with CoQ10 decreased systolic and diastolic blood pressure significantly30.
Typically, a daily dose for someone who might be deficient is about 100-200mg.
35. Garlic
In numerous studies garlic significantly lowered systolic and diastolic blood pressure31. Garlic has been used for years. The ancient Greeks used it as a circulation treatment and diuretic.
Modern science has confirmed many of the garlic benefits today. It contains compounds with potent medicinal properties and lowers cholesterol.
Garlic is sold in capsule form and can be found in almost any vitamin area of the supermarket.
How can I lower my blood pressure immediately? To lower blood pressure immediately perform breathing exercises, activate pressure points, take warm baths, meditate, receive a massage and consume hibiscus tea. In a scientific study, hibiscus tea lowered blood pressure as soon as the participants drank it.
Check out my article, How To Lower Blood Pressure in Minutes (Instantly). The article explains six techniques backed by science to lower blood pressure.
Is milk good for high blood pressure? Low-fat milk is good for lowering blood pressure because it contains potassium, calcium and phosphorous which are associated with lowering blood pressure. Low-fat is better than whole milk because full fat dairy contains palmitic acid which blocks signals to relax blood vessels.
Can a calcium supplement lower blood pressure? Calcium supplements help to lower blood pressure because they help the blood vessels to relax and tighten when they are supposed to. Although doctors recommend consuming calcium from food whenever possible.
Can drinking lots of water lower blood pressure? Drinking water can lower blood pressure by preventing dehydration which reduces the body’s ability to transport blood efficiently. This forces the blood vessels to constrict which raises blood pressure.
What can I eat to lower my blood pressure immediately? To lower blood pressure immediately consume pomegranate fruit or juice, hibiscus or green tea to calm the body.
Read Next – Another Article on Lowering BP
Can Breathing Exercises Lower Blood Pressure?
- National Center for Biotechnology Information: The effects of pomegranate juice consumption on blood pressure and cardiovascular health [↩]
- Journal of Hypertension: Effect of sour tea (Hibiscus sabdariffa L. [↩]
- The Journal Of Nutrition: Hibiscus Sabdariffa L. Tea (Tisane) Lowers Blood Pressure in Prehypertensive and Mildly Hypertensive Adults [↩]
- Hypertension: Effects of Magnesium Supplementation on Blood Pressure [↩]
- National Center for Biotechnology Information: Cranberry juice consumption lowers markers of cardiometabolic risk, including blood pressure and circulating C-reactive protein, triglyceride, and glucose concentrations in adults [↩]
- The Journal Of Nutrition: Inorganic Nitrate and Beetroot Juice Supplementation Reduces Blood Pressure in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [↩]
- Hypertension: Small Amounts of Inorganic Nitrate or Beetroot Provide Substantial Protection From Salt-Induced Increases in Blood Pressure [↩]
- National Center for Biotechnology Information: Effect of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) and fenugreek (Trigonella foenumgraecum L.) on blood lipids, blood sugar and platelet aggregation in patients with coronary artery disease [↩]
- National Center for Biotechnology Information: Flavonoids–food sources and health benefits [↩]
- National Center for Biotechnology Information: Sodium-to-Potassium Ratio and Blood Pressure, Hypertension, and Related Factors [↩]
- National Center for Biotechnology Information: Dietary nitrate provides sustained blood pressure lowering in hypertensive patients: a randomized, phase 2, double-blind, placebo-controlled study [↩]
- Harvard Health: Beating high blood pressure with food [↩]
- American Heart Association: An avocado a day may help keep bad cholesterol at bay [↩]
- National Institutes of Health: Selenium [↩]
- National Center for Biotechnology Information: Omega-3 fatty acids and blood pressure [↩]
- American Heart Association: Trans Fats [↩]
- American Heart Association: Shaking the Salt Habit to Lower High Blood Pressure [↩]
- National Center for Biotechnology Information: Effectiveness of Acupressure on the Taichong Acupoint in Lowering Blood Pressure in Patients with Hypertension: A Randomized Clinical Trial [↩]
- UCLA Health: Pressure Points [↩]
- American Psychological Association: Stress effects on the body [↩]
- National Center for Biotechnology Information: Device-Guided Breathing to Lower Blood Pressure: Case Report and Clinical Overview [↩]
- Harvard Health: 7 ways to reduce stress and keep blood pressure down [↩]
- Anxiety & Depression Association of America: Physical Activity Reduces Stress [↩]
- The American Heart Association: American Heart Association Recommendations for Physical Activity in Adults and Kids [↩]
- Journal Circulation: Obesity-Induced Hypertension [↩]
- National Center for Biotechnology Information: [Magnesium and hypertension] [↩]
- National Center for Biotechnology Information: High-dose folic acid supplementation effects on endothelial function and blood pressure in hypertensive patients: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials [↩]
- Woman and Birth: Folic acid supplement use and the risk of gestational hypertension and preeclampsia [↩]
- American Heart Association: How Potassium Can Help Control High Blood Pressure [↩]
- Journal of Human Hypertension: Coenzyme Q10 in the treatment of hypertension: a meta-analysis of the clinical trials [↩]
- National Center for Biotechnology Information: Garlic for hypertension: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials [↩]