I think it’s obvious finding ways to lower blood pressure naturally is the ideal method. It sure beats medications and having to cope with potential side effects. Therefore, let’s get right to it and answer the question, what are ways to lower blood pressure naturally?
25 ways to lower blood pressure naturally:
- Calming drinks.
- Pressure points.
- Breathing exercises.
- Self-massages.
- Meditation.
- Warm healing baths.
- Consume magnesium.
- Consume potassium.
- Physical activity.
- Improve sleep.
- Simplify your schedule.
- Recognize and avoid stress triggers.
- Laugh.
- Avoid bad habits.
- Avoid foods bad for blood pressure.
- Eat foods that lower blood pressure.
- Control body weight.
- Consume drinks that lower blood pressure.
- Avoid drinks that raise blood pressure.
- Control sodium intake.
- Improve the mood.
- Schedule enjoyable activities.
- Solve Controllable Issues.
- Monitor blood pressure at home.
- Stay around supportive people.
The best part is, lowering blood pressure naturally is effective and doesn’t involve taking a pill. The following post will tell you all the ways to lower blood pressure naturally in complete detail.
BP Tip: You can lower BP naturally by changing how you breathe. There’s a device approved by the FDA and The American Heart Association. It guides your breathing a few minutes a day which has been proven to lower BP. You can check it out in the manufacturer’s website by clicking here.
Disclaimer: Some links in this article are affiliate links which means I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Ways To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally
There’s no medication or supplements found in the list. I’ve found similar articles or videos including supplements in their natural list which made me feel slighted. Everything found here can be done through nutrition, beverages or by yourself at home.
The following are 25 ways to lower blood pressure naturally:
1. Calming Drinks
I’ve said it many times, consuming drinks to lower blood pressure is my favorite way. It’s super easy and most of the time doesn’t involve preparation. Many people ask, what is the best drink for high blood pressure?
Two of the best drinks for lowering blood pressure are hibiscus tea and pomegranate juice. Both drinks have many antioxidants and have been shown in scientific studies to lower blood pressure. Pomegranate juice contains a good number of potassium which is beneficial for high blood pressure.
The following drinks have been proven to lower blood pressure and taste great.
Hibiscus Tea: I found two different studies showing how Hibiscus Tea lowers blood pressure. The first one was published in 2010 by the Journal Of Nutrition. They found blood pressure was lowered as soon as people started to drink the tea1.
The 2nd study in the Journal Hypertension found diastolic and systolic blood pressure numbers were lowered after consuming Hibiscus Tea2.
This amazing tea is a herbal tea that can be served cold or hot. It has a tart, cranberry flavor tasting delicious, especially cold. You can find it in most supermarkets or online in websites like Amazon.
Pomegranate Juice: This juice is great for lowering blood pressure because it contains a lot of potassium and has three times the antioxidants than green tea or red wine.
A study released in 2017 found no matter how long the participants drank pomegranate juice, their systolic blood pressure was lowered3 .
The juice is made from the fruit, pomegranate and can be found almost anywhere.
Red Wine: For those who like to indulge in some alcohol, this is the best choice for lowering blood pressure and heart health. Just don’t drink the whole bottle by yourself ;).
There has been many studies proving how red wine can lower blood pressure, increase good cholesterol and reduce plaque in the arteries4.
So next time you want to have a glass of red wine in front of the fireplace, at dinner or while chatting with a friend, there’s no need to feel guilty.
In addition to these drinks, you may want to find out about how green tea lowers BP in my article here, Does Green Tea Lower Blood Pressure?
2. Pressure Points
The best part pressure about points is they can be used anytime or anywhere, even at work. They are great for stimulating the nerves, connective tissues and tiny muscles in various parts of the body5. When this is done, it is an effective way to relax the body and mind.
Some of the pressure points, like the one listed here, are associated with stress relief. Stress relief is an effective way to lower blood pressure and keep the stress hormones low.
3rd Eye Point pressure point: The 3rd eye point is located in the middle of the forehead where it meets the bridge of the nose. The following is how to stimulate this pressure point.
- Using the forefinger or thumb, press the point gently for one minute.
- During the 1 minute, take deep, slow breaths to help relax the body even more.
- After the minute is over, take a short break and repeat until your mind and body feels calm.
Check out my blog post with eight more pressure points which relieve stress and can lower blood pressure, Pressure Points For Lowering Blood Pressure.
3. Breathing Exercises
Have you ever noticed when you get stressed your breathing becomes fast, erratic or heavy? It’s not a pleasant feeling and can make the stress even worse. You may have heard the saying “take a deep breath,” but it’s a saying for a good reason.
My favorite breathing exercise, called deep breathing, can help prevent air from getting trapped in the lungs. You’ll be able to take in more fresh air and feel calmer6. The following is how to practice deep breathing.
- Sit or stand with the shoulders and elbows slightly back. This position allows the chest to expand more while breathing in.
- Using the nose if possible, inhale slowly and deeply while counting to five seconds.
- Then immediately breath out slowly through the nose for the same five second count.
- Keep repeating this five second breathing in and out for about one minute until you feel the body and breathing is more relaxed.
Check out my blog post with 9 different ways to perform breathing exercises, Breathing Exercises To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally.
4. Self-Massages
There’s nothing better than a nice relaxing massage to help calm the body. Self-massages can be done at work or home and by yourself. Therefore, there’s no need to drive somewhere and spend money.
A massage is one of the best ways to relief daily stress. It will stimulate the muscles, nerves and improve blood circulation7. My favorite self-massage involves the face, particularly the forehead and temples.
In addition, I find it one of the easier ones to give to yourself. Here’s how to perform my self face massage.
- Using the thumbs, make a series of tiny circles paying special attention to the temples, forehead and jaw joint area.
- Next switch over to the middle fingers and massage the bridge of the nose and slowly move outward over the eyebrows toward the temples.
- Keep it up for a few minutes until you feel more relaxed and calm.
5. Meditation
Meditation, like massage will help you relax and relief some stress. Stress hormones, like cortisol, will increase the blood pressure. Stress can lead to bad habits like excess alcohol and a bad diet. These things will make your blood pressure worse.
Therefore, the more you can relax the better and meditation is one of the ways to accomplish it. Meditation takes some practice to get right. The following are beginner tips on how to meditate.
Prepare For Meditation
- Find a distraction free area.
- Consider using scented candles, incense or flowers to enhance the experience.
- Get a meditation cushion, old pillow or sofa cushion so you can sit comfortably.
- Wear comfortable, loose clothing unrestrictive or tight.
- Determine how long you want to meditate for and set a timer when starting. This way you don’t have to be distracted checking on the time once you start.
Start The Meditation
- Sit on the cushion with the back straight and position the legs and arms comfortably.
- Tilt the chin down which helps ease the breathing.
- Keep the mouth closed, jaw relaxed and inhale and exhale through the nose.
- Focus on breathing and nothing else. By doing this all other thoughts from the outside world can stay away on their own.
- If your thoughts begin to wander, bring your attention back to the breathing and nothing else. You can try counting your breaths to focus your attention.
- Don’t be hard on yourself. It’s hard to focus in the beginning, but you’ll get better over time.
- In the beginning attempt shorter sessions and eventually try longer ones as you improve.
Meditation is one of the 35 ways to lower blood pressure in my article, How To Lower Blood Pressure. Check it out and learn more about the other methods including one which lowered systolic 17 mmHG naturally!
6. Warm Healing Baths
Like a massage, a nice warm bath after a long day feels like paradise. More and more is being written about passive heating, like a warm bath, reducing blood sugar, heart attack risk and lowering blood pressure.
In addition, a warm bath can keep the stress levels down which will lower blood pressure8. Here are three great warming baths I absolutely love.
Magnesium Epsom Salt: Grandmothers have raved about this for years. The combination of epsom salt and magnesium can do wonders for the body. The magnesium can relax the body and the epsom salt reduces muscle aches caused by stress.
Lavender Oil: Lavender oil smells great and has anti-anxiety effects.
Chamomile Tea: Add chamomile tea to your bath. Steep it ahead of time and pour it into the bath water. Chamomile calms the body and is the perfect natural way to lower blood pressure.
7. Consume Magnesium
Magnesium can help lower blood pressure because it can relax the arteries9. This prevents them from restricting which raise blood pressure. In addition, magnesium helps to relax the muscles and body which keeps you more calm and helps out at bedtime.
Magnesium regulates minerals like potassium and calcium important to controlling blood pressure. Check out my in depth blog post that I wrote in this same website about lowering BP with magnesium right here, Consume Magnesium To Lower Blood Pressure.
The following are 5 foods high in magnesium:
- Swiss chard
- Spinach
- Dark chocolate
- Pumpkin seeds
- Almonds
8. Consume Potassium
There are a few ways potassium can help lower blood pressure. Like magnesium, potassium can help relax blood vessels which keep BP lower.
An article posted in Harvard Health mentioning a number of studies showing an association with high blood pressure and low potassium levels10.
Another way potassium helps to naturally lower blood pressure is the 4:1 potassium/sodium ratio. By taking in about 4,700mg of potassium and 1,250-1500mg of sodium helps the kidneys control the amount of fluid in the body.
If this ratio is out of balance, it’s possible for the body to store extra fluids which can raise blood pressure.
The extra fluid will make the heart work harder and increases the pressure on the blood vessels. The best way to increase potassium is through the following potassium high foods:
- Swiss chard
- Acorn squash
- Spinach
- Avocado
- Lima beans
- Dried apricots
- Pomegranate
- Sweet potato
9. Physical Activity
Regular exercise can help lower blood pressure in a few ways. Physical activity strengthens the heart. A stronger heart works easier which puts less pressure on the arteries. In addition, exercise will help control weight which helps to lower blood pressure.
You don’t have to run marathons for exercise to be effective. Strive for about 20 minutes of physical activity everyday11. Always check with a doctor first before starting an exercise program.
The following are exercises to lower blood pressure:
- Walking stairs
- Dancing
- Regular walks
- Playing sports
- Cardio
- Jogging
- Weight lifting machines
- Free weights
- Bicycle riding
I recently wrote a blog post you may want to check out, it’s called 11 Easy exercises To Lower Blood Pressure.
10. Improve Sleep
Are you tossing and turning all night? It’s definitely torture when happening. It always seems when you finally drift off into a deep sleep, it’s time to wake up. Whatever the reason for lack of sleep, it can raise those stress hormones during the day.
If you’re not getting enough sleep because of late bedtimes, schedule more sleep time into your daily routine. If it’s sleep problems causing the lack of sleep, then follow these 5 tips:
- Avoid all electronics before bedtime. This includes the cell phone. Screen time stimulates brain activity and can affect your sleep quality.
- You can get better sleep quality when sleeping in a cooler room. The National Sleep Foundation recommends a bedroom temperature between 60 and 67 degrees.
- Even on your days off, aim for a steady sleep schedule. Try to go to sleep and wake up the same times every day. A steady routine enhances your sleep time.
- If your bedroom has light coming in, it can affect your sleep. Keep the room as dark as possible by getting light filtering blinds, shades or drapes.
- Keep the room as quiet as possible. Consider using a sound machine to help drown out unavoidable noise.
11. Simplify Your Schedule
Having a busy schedule, rushing around, running late for work and driving fast are all things people do when they are busy. These activities raise stress levels. Chronic stress will raise blood pressure levels and over time will cause damage to the arteries12.
Therefore, if you want to reduce your mental burden, be more productive and have less stress, practice the following tips.
- Prepare for the next day prior to going to sleep the night before. Prepare your lunch, set out your clothes or make a list of things you need to do the next morning. I just bought a coffee maker where I can set up the coffee to make itself automatically. A simpler morning can save your sanity.
- Do less and only schedule the activities in your day important. If you don’t have extra time, don’t do things that can wait.
- Have a list of everything you need to do for the day. As you complete each task, check it off.
- Make time to rest every day. Even on a busy day, work in some time to unwind. Use this free time to perform some of the relaxation techniques in this blog post like pressure points, self-massage or a calming hibiscus tea.
12. Recognize & Avoid Stress Triggers
Take a time out and write down things causing stress. If its traffic then discover a different route, leave a different time or take alternative transportation. Avoid people stressing you out when possible.
There was someone at the gym that I didn’t like being around. What did I do? I changed the time I went to the gym and avoided that person. Doing things like this will make your life less stressful.
13. Laugh
How does laughter help? It tricks your nervous system into making your mood happier. Laughter releases endorphins decreasing stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline.
Pick your favorite comedian and watch a few of their videos. One of my favorites is Rodney Dangerfield.
14. Avoid Bad Habits
The following bad habits can raise blood pressure and lead to other habits bad for your health13.
Excess Alcohol: Abusing alcohol can lead to high blood pressure and other health issues like heart attack, strokes and obesity.
Smoking and Tobacco: While long-term effects of smoking are unproven to affect blood pressure, short term smoking does. Smoking causes temporary spikes in blood pressure which can affect the health of the arteries over time.
Illegal Drugs: Many illegal drugs can increase the heart rate and make the heart work harder and increase blood pressure.
15. Avoid Foods Bad For Blood Pressure
Many foods have added sugar, excess sodium and unhealthy fats14. The following are foods to avoid to lower blood pressure.
Deli and Processed Meats: These foods are loaded with sodium and are associated with many diseases including high blood pressure and heart disease.
Fried Foods: Fried foods taste amazing but are high in trans fat and calories. In addition, they are dipped in flour and batter prior to frying.
Fatty Meats: Foods like pork, bacon, sausages and lamb contain saturated and trans fats. These foods can raise cholesterol and cause obesity.
Foods High In Sugar: Sugar can cause weight gain, raise blood sugar and insulin levels. This can cause an increase in blood pressure and heart rate by activating the sympathetic nervous system.
Processed Foods: Processed foods are made from refined ingredients, artificial substances and have been chemically processed. They can make it difficult to lower blood pressure because they are high in sugar, trans fats and low in nutrients beneficial for blood pressure.

16. Eat Foods That Lower Blood Pressure
After hearing about foods to avoid, many people ask what should we eat when BP is high? When BP is high consume foods low in saturated fats, added sugars and excess sodium.
The following are foods to eat with high blood pressure and have heart healthy benefits:
- Wild caught fish and chicken without the skin
- Vegetables like asparagus, spinach, sweet potatoes and broccoli.
- Whole grains like brown rice and oatmeal.
- Low sodium nuts like cashews and almonds.
- Fruits like apples, kiwi, watermelon and bananas.
Keto Bread Tip: Great News! Did you know, you don’t have to give up your favorite bread, pizza or sandwiches to follow a 100% Keto diet? Find out more in the Keto Breads website by clicking here, Keto Breads.
17. Control Body Weight
There are numerous studies showing a direct relationship with weight gain and increased blood pressure15. Losing excess body fat is one of the most effective ways to lower blood pressure naturally.
Some of the best ways to lose weight are shown right in this article.
- Regular Physical Activity
- Eat Foods That Lower Blood Pressure
- Avoid Foods Bad For Blood Pressure
18. Consume Drinks That Lower Blood Pressure
In #1 of this blog post, I listed 3 calming drinks benefiting blood pressure. The following are three drinks backed by science to lower blood pressure:
- Watermelon juice.
- Beet juice.
- Low-fat milk.
Watermelon Juice: Biting into a watermelon is so refreshing. I find it almost additive, and it’s hard to stop eating once I get going.
When I found a study in the Journal of Hypertension16, I was excited because they showed supplementation with watermelon extract lowered blood pressure in obese middle aged adults.
Beet Juice: Beets are great for lowering blood pressure because they contain nitrate, potassium and folate. All of these are beneficial for blood pressure.
A study published in the Journal Nutrition found those who supplemented with beetroot juice lowered their systolic blood pressure significantly17.
Low-fat Milk: The low-fat version is better than the regular because full fat dairy contains palmitic acid which blocks signals to relax blood vessels. Low-fat milk contains calcium, phosphorus and potassium which are all beneficial in lowering blood pressure.
A study in the British Journal of Nutrition, found switching from full fat dairy to low-fat helped lower BP18.
19. Avoid Drinks That Raise BP
Excess Alcohol: If you are trying to lower blood pressure excess alcohol should be avoided. Besides raising blood pressure, it can lead to heart failure, irregular heartbeat and stroke.
The recommendation is to not drink more than 2 drinks a day for men and 1 drink a day for women. The following are guidelines for what is considered 1 drink:
- 4 ounces of wine
- 12 ounce beer
- 1.5 ounces of 80-proof spirits
- 1 ounce of 100-proof spirits
Sugary Drinks: There’s plenty of evidence excess sugar can raise blood sugar and insulin levels. This can lead to an increase in heart beat and BP. A study showed an increase in systolic and diastolic BP with a diet high in sugar19.
This is more than what is seen with higher sodium. Avoid these 10 high sugar drinks:
- Fruit juices with added sugars
- Regular soda
- Packaged hot cocoa
- Sweetened ice tea
- Coffee with sugar
- Energy drinks
- Sport drinks
- Alcohol drinks made with bottled mixers
- Some flavored waters
- Powdered Lemonade
20. Control Sodium Intake
The American Heart Association recommends no more than 2,300mg of sodium a day with an ideal limit of 1,500mg per day20. This is true especially for those trying to lower their blood pressure.
If you are working in a job or doing an activity making you sweat all day long then this recommendation is probably not for you. The body needs sodium intake, but the problem is most people take in way too much.
While we need more potassium than sodium for the kidneys to function properly, some have it reversed. Avoid processed foods like table salt, some drugs and medications.
21. Improve The Mood
By creating a more calm, relaxed atmosphere, especially at home, can help keep the body calm and reduce stress ((National Center for Biotechnology Information: Music versus lifestyle on the autonomic nervous system of prehypertensives and hypertensives–a randomized control trial)). A common question is how to reduce high blood pressure naturally at home? To reduce high blood pressure at home, use the following four methods:
- Listen to soothing music.
- Use scented candles.
- Lighten up the rooms with sunlight.
- Decorate with fresh flowers.
22. Schedule Enjoyable Activities
Too many of our days are filled with work and chores. It’s essential to schedule some time to do activities you enjoy. This will help break the stress, make you happier and make you feel more relaxed.
I find myself putting things off I enjoy to get other things accomplished that don’t relax me. If your time is limited, your activity doesn’t have to take up much time. A simple 10 minute walk can do wonders and help break up your day.
23. Solve Controllable Issues
One of the best ways to lower stress and anxiety is to focus on issues causing you stress you can control. Make a list and then develop plans to solve them. There are many stresses people deal with daily that can be solved but they don’t.
Instead, they keep dealing with the same stress over and over. Take action and get these issues resolved once and for all. Once you do, you’ll be wondering why you didn’t do it sooner.
24. Monitor Blood Pressure At Home
Let’s face it, other than being in a doctor office all the time, how else can you monitor your blood pressure? Home monitoring is growing in popularity and is highly recommended in the new blood pressure guidelines.
In addition, it can get true readings and avoid elevated readings at the doctor due to various different reasons you are not experiencing at home.
Home monitoring can help you determine if your lifestyle or nutrition changes are working. It can also alert you and your physician about potential health complications.
If you would like to get a good home monitor, you can check out the one I use and recommend on Amazon. It’s the Welch Allyn 1700 series.
25. Stay Around Supportive People
If you’re hanging around people encouraging you to do unhealthy things, like excess alcohol or a bad diet, trying to lowering blood pressure will be a much more difficult task. Supportive family and friends can help you improve your health and blood pressure.
They can encourage you to make the right healthy decisions, become exercise partners and more. If you are having trouble finding the right people, you can join a support group which will direct you to the right people.
Supportive people can be a moral booster, offer you the proper tips and be there for emotional support.
Read Next – More Lowering BP Articles!
Can Breathing Exercises Lower Blood Pressure?
How To Lower Blood Pressure In Minutes (Instantly)
- Oxford Academic: Hibiscus Sabdariffa L. Tea (Tisane) Lowers Blood Pressure in Prehypertensive and Mildly Hypertensive Adults [↩]
- Journal of Hypertension: Effect of sour tea (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) on arterial hypertension [↩]
- National Library of Medicine: The effects of pomegranate juice consumption on blood pressure and cardiovascular health [↩]
- National Center for Biotechnology Information: Resveratrol and Cardiovascular Diseases [↩]
- National center for Biotechnology Information: Effectiveness of Acupressure on the Taichong Acupoint in Lowering Blood Pressure in Patients with Hypertension: A Randomized Clinical Trial [↩]
- Harvard Health: Stress raising your blood pressure? Take a deep breath [↩]
- Harvard Health: 7 ways to reduce stress and keep blood pressure down [↩]
- National Center for Biotechnology Information: Effects of Baths on Blood Pressure [↩]
- Hypertension: Effects of Magnesium Supplementation on Blood Pressure [↩]
- Harvard Health: Potassium lowers blood pressure [↩]
- National Center for Biotechnology Information: Physical Activity and the Prevention of Hypertension [↩]
- National Center for Biotechnology Information: Chronic Psychosocial Stress and Hypertension [↩]
- National Center for Biotechnology Information: Alcohol-induced hypertension: Mechanism and prevention [↩]
- American Heart Association: Trans Fats [↩]
- Journal Circulation: Obesity-Induced Hypertension [↩]
- American Journal Of Hypertension: Watermelon extra supplementation reduces ankle blood pressure and carotid augmentation index in obese adults with prehypertension or hypertension [↩]
- The Journal Of Nutrition: Inorganic Nitrate and Beetroot Juice Supplementation Reduces Blood Pressure in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [↩]
- National Center for Biotechnology Information: Diet, blood pressure and hypertension [↩]
- National Center for Biotechnology Information: Dietary sugars and cardiometabolic risk: systematic review and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials of the effects on blood pressure and lipids [↩]
- American Heart Association: Shaking the Salt Habit to Lower High Blood Pressure [↩]