11 Easy Exercises To Lower Blood Pressure

If you’re interested in lowering your blood pressure you’ve likely been told to exercise. The problem is, most exercises can be difficult, takes energy and may make your body sore. For these reasons most give up but exercise doesn’t have to wear you out at all. People with high blood pressure have asked me several times, what are easy exercises to lower blood pressure?

The following are easy exercises to lower blood pressure:

  1. Recumbent Stationary Bike
  2. Grip Exercise
  3. Rowing
  4. Stretching
  5. Yoga
  6. Breathing Exercises
  7. Flat Surface Bicycling
  8. Walking
  9. Pool Walking
  10. Resistance Bands
  11. Dancing

Any activity that raises your heart rate and gets your blood flowing can help lower blood pressure. The exercises in this article can accomplish that goal without the extreme difficulty typically associated with some exercises. If you’re in need of some easier exercises, some you’ve never heard of, you may want to give these a try.

BP Tip: Did you know you can lower BP naturally by changing how you breathe a few times a day? There’s a device approved by the FDA and The American Heart Association.

It simply guides your breathing for you a few minutes a day which has been proven to lower blood pressure. You can check it out in the manufacturer’s website by clicking here.

Disclaimer: It’s best to check with your doctor before starting any exercise program. Some links in this article may be affiliate links. This means at no extra cost to you, I may earn a small commission. As an Amazon associate and eBay partner I earn from qualifying purchases.

Easy Exercises To Lower Blood Pressure

1. Recumbent Bike

A recumbent bike is an easier stationary bike. The following are some reasons why any stationary bike can be an easier exercise option:

  • You exercise in a controlled temperature environment.
  • They are stationary which makes them safer.
  • It’s low impact and easy on the joints.
  • You sit down on a comfortable seat.
  • It’s safer than riding a bicycle on the road.
  • The resistance level can be adjusted to make peddling as easy as you want.

The following are reasons why a recumbent bike is easier than an upright stationary bike:

  • Your body is fully supported including the lower back.
  • There is less stress on your lower back, upper body and joints.
  • If you have mobility issues, a recumbent is easier to get on and off.
  • The seat is lower and larger.
  • Typically, there is less muscle soreness.
  • It’s safer because you cannot stand up on the pedals.
  • It’s better for people with neurological conditions.

A recumbent bike doesn’t have to break the bank either. While some home exercise equipment can be costly, there’s extremely affordable ones listed on Amazon which you can check out by clicking here, recumbent bikes.

If space is an issue, a similar option to the recumbent bike is a much smaller and portable desk cycle. You can place the pedals under a desk or table and peddle from your chair. In addition, they can be placed in front of your sofa or living room chair. They are also sold on Amazon, you check them out right here, desk cycles.

2. Grip Exercise

Grip exercises have been around for a long time. Those older grip devices are extremely hard and not so easy. You can receive similar benefits much easier from squeezing a small rubber ball made for grip exercise and lowering the intensity to 30%.

They exercise your forearm and hand muscles. Researchers believe the repetitive motion may improve blood vessel elasticity, the autonomic nervous system and decrease oxidative stress. Thirty years of scientific research have shown grip exercises to lower blood pressure.

A study published in the Journal Hypertension1, showed how people who performed four weeks of hand grip exercise reduced blood pressure by 10 percent! In addition, grip strength is associated with lower blood pressure2.

One grip exercise routine is to squeeze your grip device at 30 percent of your maximum strength for two minutes with one hand. Then rest for one minute and use the other hand. The entire routine should last 12 minutes per day.

How do you calculate 30% of your maximum grip strength? Well, they sell computerized grip devices, under $30, that will calculate it for you. In addition, you can purchase a much cheaper spring loaded device or rubber ball for a few dollars and estimate it yourself. Check them all out on Amazon by clicking right here, grip strengtheners.

3. Rowing

Rowing doesn’t have to be difficult as long as you pick an easy resistance on the rowing machine. In addition, a rowing machine is easy on the joints and works your whole body including your back, arms, legs and shoulders. The following are three different ways to row:

  1. Rowing machine for the home.
  2. Kayaks made for slow rowing on calm water.
  3. Canoes in calm water.

If you’re itchy to get out of the house, consider buying an affordable kayak or canoe. Taking a nice, easy row on a calm lake or pond does wonders for your body and mind. These types of kayaks don’t cost much and can be found here on Amazon, kayaks.

Rowing machines are comparable in price and size to the recumbent bike but not as easy. If mobility is not a problem, a rowing machine should be fine and burns more calories than the bike. Check the current prices on Amazon right here, rowing machines.

4. Stretching

You may be thinking, stretching to lower blood pressure? Yes, and the studies back it up. This one, just published in 20203, showed systolic BP decreased 4% and diastolic 7% after participants stretched for a 12-week period. In addition, it improved blood flow and artery stiffness!

5. Yoga

There are all different types of yoga, some difficult and easy ones once you learn the positions. Many of these gentle positions can help stimulate blood flow and benefit blood pressure4.

Since we’re only interested in easy exercises, you’ll have to pick a gentle, beginner routine.

Physical activity is one of the 35 ways to lower blood pressure in my article, How To Lower Blood Pressure. Check it out and learn more about the other methods including one which lowered systolic 17 mmHG naturally!

6. Breathing Exercises

I’m unsure why breathing exercises are not talked about more. They have been shown in numerous studies to lower blood pressure. In one study, a 67 year-old woman performed a breathing pattern for eight weeks and lowered systolic BP 17 mmHg and diastolic 14 mmHg ((National Center for Biotechnology Information: Device-Guided Breathing to Lower Blood Pressure: Case Report and Clinical Overview)). Those are impressive results.

She followed a pattern of deep breathing which a device guided her through. The electronic device sends a mellow tone through ear buds signaling when to inhale or exhale. The device is approved by the FDA and the American Heart Association. If you want to check it out, visit the company’s website by clicking here, Resperate Breathing Device.

I wrote a blog post detailing how to perform nine different breathing exercises. While discussing exercise to lower blood pressure, it doesn’t get much easier than breathing. You can read my blog post here, Breathing Exercises To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally.

7. Flat Surface Bicycling

If you’re physically able to ride a bicycle, it’s a great way to exercise. Make it easier by following these suggestions:

  • Only use a bike the correct size for your body.
  • Only ride your bicycle on flat surfaces.
  • Avoid hills.
  • Choose an easy speed. If you stick to a flat surface, changing gears is unnecessary and makes it easier.
  • Find a flat path where there’s minimum interference from vehicular traffic or intersections.
  • Use a bicycle where you can sit upright and don’t have to bend over or put pressure on your arms.
  • Make the proper seat adjustments so the distance and angle of your legs are in the best position.
  • Buy a comfortable, wider seat for comfort.

8. Walking

Walking is effective for lowering blood pressure just like other exercises. Studies have shown a steady walking routine lowered blood pressure. For people with high blood pressure, the results were even greater5. There’s no big secret on how to walk but you can follow these suggestions6 to keep it easy:

  • Walk on flat surfaces only.
  • Wear sneakers made for walking.
  • Wear thick comfortable socks.
  • Wear comfortable clothes and dress appropriately for the weather, cold or hot. Consider sunscreens if needed.
  • Start at a slow speed.
  • Walk with the proper technique. Keep a steady pace, swing your arms freely and stand upright.
  • Stay hydrated and bring water with you in hot weather.

To save time they sell treadmill desks. They are slim, compact and made to fit under a desk or used traditionally. This way you can walk and work or browse on the computer at the same time. Some of them fold and stand up in the corner or closet. Check them out on Amazon by clicking here, treadmill desks.

I wrote a whole article about walking and blood pressure. You want to learn more details which may surprise you, including my own walking study. Check out the article here, Walking Lowers Blood Pressure.

9. Pool Walking

If you have access to a pool or you’re going to be there already, give pool walking a try. It’s easier than swimming and provides a little more resistance than regular walking. Pick the shallow end at the beginning and slowly work your way up to deeper water. The deeper water will change the amount of resistance against your body.

10. Resistance Bands

The rubber bands enable you to perform weight training resistance exercises without the weights. Other advantages which makes this exercise easier includes the following:

  • They are compact, lightweight and don’t take up any room. They can be placed in a drawer when you’re not using them and come with storage pouches.
  • They come in different resistance tensions from super easy to more difficult.
  • The whole body can be exercised including the legs, butt, abs, arms, shoulders, chest and back.
  • Most come with an exercise chart showing you how to use them and what exercises can be performed.
  • You can exercise in any room of your house or apartment.

They have different styles to fit your preference including the following:

  • Flat resistance bands. They are wide and flat making it easy to wrap around your hands.
  • Tubes with handles at the ends. The handles enable you to perform a wider variety of exercises similar to the gym.

The best part of resistance bands is their price. Whichever one you decide to pick, won’t break the bank. Check out what they have to offer on Amazon by clicking here, resistance bands.

11. Dancing

If you enjoy dancing, it counts as exercise! It doesn’t have to be fast moving either. Slow dancing gets your body and feet moving. In addition, there’s arm and some shoulder movement. Researcher’s reviewed past studies and found dance therapy lowered both systolic and diastolic blood pressure7.

Therefore, put on your favorite music, grab your partner’s hand and enjoy some slow dancing. It’s a great way to fulfill your exercise routine.

Wrapping Up The Easy Exercises To Lower Blood Pressure

Give these easy exercises a try to help lower your blood pressure. You can pick one or try them all on different days. The idea is to get your body moving and elevate your heart rate. Research has shown lifestyle improvements are beneficial for your health and blood pressure.

The U.S. department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous. They say it’s best to spread out your exercise time instead of doing it all at once8.

Spend less time sitting and get moving. Even light-intensity activity can offset some of the risks of being inactive. After starting off easy, you can always increase the amount and intensity over time. Don’t forget to consult with your physician.

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  1. Berkely Wellness: Get a Grip on Blood Pressure []
  2. BMC: Resting blood pressure reductions following handgrip exercise training and the impact of age and sex: a systematic review and narrative synthesis []
  3. The Journal of Physiology: Evidence for improved systemic and local vascular function after long-term passive static stretching training of the musculoskeletal system []
  4. Holistic Nursing Practice: Does Yoga Therapy Reduce Blood Pressure in Patients With Hypertension?: An Integrative Review []
  5. National Center for Biotechnology Information: Walking and hypertension: great reductions in subjects with higher baseline systolic blood pressure following six months of guided walking []
  6. Better Health: Walking tips []
  7. National Center for Biotechnology Information: Effect of dance therapy on blood pressure and exercise capacity of individuals with hypertension: A systemic review and meta-analysis []
  8. The American Heart Association: American Heart Association Recommendations for Physical Activity in Adults and Kids []

Kevin Garce

Kevin Garce is a Certified Health Coach who encourages people by informing them on blood pressure topics important to them. His years of research and knowledge inspire people to achieve their goals. Read more here About Me

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